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1) What is the difference between Sambucol® and other black elderberry products?

Sambucol® is the Original Black Elderberry Extract that the proprietary elderberry extract that was used in published clinical studies. Other products are produced differently and may not have the therapeutic effects of Sambucol®.

2) Can pregnant woman or breastfeeding mothers use this product?

Due to a lack of clinical data available on the use of Sambucol® during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is advisable to avoid taking the product.

3) Are there any side effects?

No. There are no known side effects.

4) Is this safe for long term use?

Yes, this product is safe for long term use.

5) Are there any interactions between Sambucol® and other medications?

No interactions between black elderberry and other medications were identified from literature published worldwide. As with all medical conditions, the patient should check with a healthcare professional before using.

6) Is Sambucol® Original Formula Capsule different from Sambucol Original Liquid?

No, there is no different in terms of functions. The only difference is in the format of delivery. All Sambucol® products use the same proprietary black elderberry extract that was used in published clinical studies.