Statistic shows influenza in Malaysia is seen year-round with no clear seasonal trends1.

Those with flu can spread flu viruses up to 6 feet away2. They also reported inability to resume normal activity for around 3.5 days from the onset of sypmtoms3.






1. Jamal, I-Ching Sam. The burden of human influenze in Malaysia. Med J Malaysia Vol. 70, No. 3 June 2015

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiration Diseases (NCIRD). 2017, October 5. How Flu Spreads. Retrieved from

3. Keech M, Scott AJ, Ryan PJ. The impact of influenze and influenza-like illness on productivity and healthcare resource utilization in a working population. Occup Med (Lond). 1998;48:85-90.

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